St Joseph’s Players, Leigh

St Joseph’s Players, Leigh Review from BATS 2019
As the pantomime season comes to an end, Aladdin has certainly been a popular choice amongst the theatre groups this year and this production from St Joseph’s Players certainly doesn’t disappoint. Director and Writer Doreen Johnson has created a magical show full of all the ingredients a good pantomime should include.
Danny McCarrick as Wishee Washee was superb, full engaging with the audience at all times. A great performance. Ably assisted by Keith Hindley as Widow Twankey, this was a performance that had you grinning from ear to ear. A brilliant traditional Dame.
Clare Nash was excellent as Aladdin and has a very good vocal range and worked well with Karen Jones as the Princess and Terry McCabe as their dog.
Zoe Unsworth as Aladdin’s friend was excellent too and her vocal range was top notch. Paul Jameson as Abanazar was great as was his magic tricks. Donna Wood as the Empress and David Hodgkinson as the Grand Vizier made a great double act.
Pauline Dowsett and Maggie Hall as the two police officers worked well together. With such a big cast, it’s impossible to name everyone but the full cast worked so well together.
Sunbeam Children’s Chorus were excellent too and the chorus dancers supported the principle actors with their tight choreography and frequent quick costume changes.
It was great to hear a live band too led by Jeremy Sleith and his team, the choices of songs complemented the show perfectly.
A nice set and colourful costumes this traditional pantomime was a cut above the rest. There is still time to catch this as the show runs until 2nd February so get yourself and the kids down to St Joseph’s.
Jason Crompton