Here is the latest news regarding the Pantomime:
Tickets are going well so far at over 500 + more than last year, but then everybody loves the SLEEPING BEAUTY fairytale. The second week is beginning to pick up but, as we all know after the first week the second week usually begins to fill up. You have all done so well promoting the Panto so please keep up the good work and lets make it the best ever.
Our new young members who recently completed a course of workshops and performed in their first play are doing extremely well, just remember, once on that stage you are no longer you, you become the person you are in the story, you think, move, speak according to the part your playing and you will create a really magical fairytale. We all have confidence in you so go out there and enjoy the moment.
Our photographer Gary will be there tonight to take pictures for the programme, don't worry he takes excellent photo's. Have you checked out the pics on St Joseph's Face book page taken during rehearsals? Keep up the good work.